Johanne Refseth: Nature as a happy pill


Wednesday, September 11, at 19.00


Dovregubben's hall




60 min

Johanne Refseth: Naturen som lykkepille

We meet Johanne Refseth, the psychologist behind the successful "Sleeping Bag Psychologist", who discusses "Nature as a happy pill".

Johanne Refseth is the psychologist who cured her own heartbreak by becoming an outdoor enthusiast with a penchant for coffee fires and mossy forests. After this experience, she started looking for the facts behind the magic: Why did life's downs become easier when served with a November forest and a fishing rod? What does the research say and how does this link to our everyday problems?

In this lecture, Refseth talks about the psychology behind being human. About why emotions turn into stomach aches, headaches and concentration problems. About how we then begin to avoid what is going on inside us. About how the information from psychological research began to make sense from an outdoor lover's point of view. Because nature has a healing effect on us that goes deeper than just reduced anxiety levels and positive emotions: This is where we belong.

Ticket prices:
Regular: 330